At least 14 wildfires occured in Southern California in October, 2007, burning about 240,000 acres, or 374 square miles. In all, over 655 homes and 168 commercial properties ended up in ashes. One hundred-thirty of those homes were in the mountain areas. Around 265,000 people had to flee from their homes. AN estimated 10,000 people took refuge from the fires in Qualcomm Stadium. One out-of-control fire in San Diego County burned down an astonishing 500 homes and 100 commercial properties and covered 145,000 acres of land. Another fire in the San Bernardino National Forest burned 133 homes down to the ground. The smoke from the fires are making more and more Californians concerned about the air they breathe. If they aren't careful, they could end up sick. A tragedy has occcured with the civilians of California and I hope that something like this will never happen again.
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